Sunday, March 1, 2009

This Week at Liberty 03/02/2009

Something old, something new, a volunteer and a great horned wrapped in blue, a flying bird's cool and new volunteers rule, that's what makes this week's update cool!  Ok, so as a poet, I make a good photographer!  Here we go...
Mother and new borne daughter.
Less than an hour old!
Not really an official part of Liberty, but it happened here and we're all proud!  Another of Dr. Orr's llamas had a baby last Tuesday, and it was a quite an event for the volunteers who were there.  Jan helped the little girl stand for the first time and I got these pictures when she was about 45 minutes old.  TOO CUTE!
A small wing is exercised.
Jan checks the point of surgery.
Another wrap for good measure.
The little screech owl who had his wing pinned by Dr.Driggers is getting better steadily.  His surgery was unwrapped this week and checked for healing and the joint was execised for mobility.  He's looking good so keep the fingers crossed!
Lance practices landings on Jan.
Anne checks out Lance's "I'm an eagle!" look.
We did a demonstration at a safety program for SRP last Saturday.  Jan and Anne flew Lance under the roof of a large outdoor ramada and they practiced flying him "inside" the day before so he'd be used to this unaccustomed arena.
Julie holds a GHO for Jan and Susan.
A GHO came in with a head injury last week and a couple of our recent additions to the Medical Services team did the evaluation and initial treatment. Head trauma is difficult to diagnose and sometimes hard to treat, but he's in good hands at Liberty.
Too cute for words, an immature pied-billed grebe.
Special feet for a special job.
A very cute little pied-billed grebe was brought in last week after being found walking in a busy intersection. Since he was walking in circles, it was originally thought he had a head injury, but Jan's deft touch discovered a broken hip! Grebes' and similar birds have special toes called "lobate" which flare out when pushing back against water and fold back or "feather"  on the forward stroke.
The first orphan of the season!
A little fledgling inca dive arrived on Friday, making him the first orphan of the 2009 baby bird season! Now it starts...! (go to the Liberty store and be part of the Baby Bird Shower!)
An unfortunate little gopher snake.
We got a call that a baby diamondback was coming in so we all got ready for the dangerous arrival. When the box was opened, it turned out to be an injured gopher snake, somewhat less dangerous, but still in great need of medical attention!
The latest R&T class!
Last Saturday, another Rescue and Transport class was held at Liberty. Six stalwart volunteers are now ready to go out and "bring 'em back alive" for Liberty!  Go gettem, people!

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