Sunday, December 27, 2009

This Week at Liberty 12/28/2009

The year, in fact the decade, is nearly over. I always like to look back on the previous twelve months and pick out some of the shots that show the volunteers at work and the animals they labor so diligently to save. It's been a small tradition to put together a video of these photos and I hope you enjoy this one. All these shots have been used in previous TW@L postings so if you want to see any of them better, go back through the archives and expand them. I used a lot of images to get more animals and more volunteers into the video (there were 751 total photos posted this year) so they move swiftly, but you can always hit the 'pause' button...

Happy New Year!

A Year of Saving Lives...
(It's much more effective if you have your sound turned on)


megan said...

Great job as always!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Terry...this is great and great throughout the year.....I appreciate all your efforts to show Liberty off. Art

Rosa said...

Gave me chills ... nice, Terry! I am so grateful for and proud of this organization and hope to be more involved in 2010. Happy New Year to the whole Liberty family!

BethanyF said...

LOVE the slide show, wonderful job Terry! I am so happy to be a new part of the team and am looking forward to the next decade! :-)

Anonymous said...

It made me cry and then smile. What is it with those owls. They capture my heart.

I'll be doing a little fundraiser at Larsen Gallery in Scottsdale on Jan 9 3-5pm. Liberty will be there. Kids too. Anne Coe

3705 N. Bishop Lane
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Liberty Wildlife Blog said...

I'll be there, holding a bird...!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Terry. All those little faces! Just goes to show that the efforts, the hard work, the means are certainly worth the end!

Julia said...

Thank you for the video. It brought tears to my eyes. One of the best decisions I have ever made in my life was to become a volunteer at Liberty. Thank you.

zopeloti said...

Another "AWESOME" job! Music is perfect, The video is perfect. It brought tears to my eyes.
Thanks for all of your hard and beautiful work with pictures, videos and stories. You are the "BEST

Carol said...

Terry, ditto exactly what Julia said. Although I'm unable to help right now with a broken wrist, one of the greatest decisions I've ever made was to volunteer at Liberty. All of you are amazing and are definitely angels to these beautiful animals.