The season has changed (although the temps are still in the high eighties!) and the flow pattern of arrivals and the work at Liberty has evolved with the time of year. There's always something to do, some animal to save, or some friend to help out...

Each year, it seems there is another of our fellow volunteers who is in a battle of their own against what nature throws at them. The volunteers are a wonderful group, and never forgetting our own, we walk in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure every year. This Sunday, we joined 30,000 other loving people as we walked for Liberty volunteer Kate Aurelius as Kate's Krew.
Not all the animals that arrive for care are big, impressive raptors. Any species native to Arizona that needs help will find it at Liberty. From the tiniest dove with an infected crop, to a grackle with a broken wing, the great equalizer at Liberty is the loving care each is given for whatever issue they present.
The intakes of HaHas (harris' hawks) and the other common raptors is fairly constant, but the arrival of a gorgeous young osprey is an unusual occurrence. He didn't present any obvious injury, but he is under close observation and might go in for X-rays next week. their biggest problem is that they don't eat well in captivity, but our crew has been doing great at getting him to maintain his fish intake. We'll keep you posted.
This little rabbit was taken by a large gopher snake in the street out in front of Liberty. Cars stopped in both directions as people tried not to hit either of the combatants in the road. The snake won, and dragged his dinner off to the side to continue his meal in private. That's how the food chain works...
OK, birds, GET A CALENDAR! It's Autumn, and breeding should have stopped in the northern hemisphere months ago. And yet, this little baby goldfinch arrived looking for some help. Either extremely early, or extremely late, he still got very lucky that he was brought in to the facility. He was quickly transported to WildWing for the rest of his orphan care. But the sign is still up...!
Make plans now to attend the annual Liberty Wildlife Volunteer Appreciation Picnic.
This year it's on Saturday (NOT Sunday!) the 21st of November, at the Para Club in Scottsdale.
E-mail me at for a map if you need one. Or call Nina (or anyone) at 480-998-0230 for more details. Be there or be square!
1 comment:
Hi Liberty Staff and Volunteers:
Thanks for coming out for the walk, and all the good you do. Liberty makes the world a better place in all kinds of ways.
Much love,
Kate Aurelius
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