Happy Labor Day! We have been laboring.
It has been a week of maintenance at Liberty Wildlife. I know that sounds ho-hum, but it is a reality. With the help of Art Smith, Terry Stevens and friend Chris Nicholson we accomplished some badly needed tasks. The summer heat and the increased activities are troublemakers for all things electric and in particular old freezers and poorly functioning air conditioners in the freezer room….bad combo. With a little help from our friends we were able to add two new freezers (which will help with the donation of 200lbs of fish from the Page Springs Fish Hatchery….hooray!) and a new air conditioner. (As a little aside, this year of the herons has been unbelievably expensive….fish eaters are costly to rehab, and we have had record numbers!) These appliance additions, of course, necessitated a change in power plugs and a few other adaptations, all of which were accomplished in the dark time hours by Terry and Chris. Also another line of defense of food items was added in the way of a new metal file cabinet to discourage midnight munchers in the scurrying form. I might add that John Glitsos was around honing in on the finer points of scanning so that our volunteer hours are all totally accurate and completely recorded.
Then, Sunday was spent getting the kids ready to go to school. All of the educational ambassadors saw their summer vacation come to an end and are now sporting new jesses (leather straps and anklets that allow them to stay attached to the handlers glove…safe and sound at all times that they are out of their enclosures) and properly trimmed beaks. They will soon be stepping out looking their very best to impress the public with their handsomeness. Thanks to Jan and Joe Miller, Linda Scott, Craig Fisher and Anne Peyton for spending a long, toasty Sunday getting everyone prepared. Start looking for the “kids” in schools, community events, and any other places they are invited to attend.
So, thanks to all of you, the dedicated staff and volunteers at Liberty Wildlife for taking the time to do the less than fun, but always necessary, parts of the job.

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