Monday, August 31, 2009

This Week at Liberty 08/31/2009

A very busy week, and lots to cover, with migratory arrivals, still more waterfowl, injuries from cats and electricity, and more Über-cuteness, topped off with a cool release! Let's get right to it!
Black-throated gray warbler.
The fall migration has begun for some species, and we're seeing some of the travelers are showing up at Liberty's window on enforced lay-overs. This little black-throated gray warbler was brought in, most likely by the household cat. Besides missing his tail, he's in pretty good shape and as soon as he's in shape to pass muster at WildWing, he'll be on the road again.
Huge juvie HaHa.
The big girl gets examined by Toba and Anna.
A very large(over 2 lbs) harris' hawk arrived last week. She's getting great care and her prognosis is very good. I can't wait to get pictures and video of her release!
Anna demonstrates the "suitcase" grip on a GBH.
Jan discovers an old break.
Yet another great blue heron has shown up. Presenting some walking difficulties, Jan found an old break in the right leg upon close examination. The fracture was well on it's way to healing and the bird will be watched closely as it remains in our care.
A sad road runner with a broken leg.
Jan cleans the wound of bone fragments.
Some birds are flightless and only use their legs, like penguins and emus. Some rarely use their legs to walk at all, like loons. And some can walk and fly very well, such as road runners. This dual modality of locomotion means that if either ability is compromised, the bird is in trouble. This little road runner came in with a badly fractured leg and some other possible internal injuries. The jury is still out, but he couldn't be in better hands.
Yet another cat attack comes in.
Tiny wings are gently examined.
OK, how many times do we have to go over this: They're called "house cats" for a reason! Audubon estimates that a billion (that's with a "B"!) birds die because of cats each year. Another little screech owl arrived after being beat up by somebody's kitty. Folks, please watch your cats when they're outside and don't let them roam unattended. This only encourages mischief of the predatory kind.
A little dove has some painful foot and tow problems.
Sarah plays avian "Gepetto"...
"I believe we have that in your size!"
Manolo Blahniks or Jimmy Choos?
A little dove in our care had some fairly serious foot and toe problems last week. Med Services volunteer Sarah took the time to construct an orthopedic shoe from styrofoam and vet wrap, giving serious support - and serious fashion sense to this lucky bird!
Burned feathers for a kestrel.
More electrical damage for a young GHO.
Two more birds are with Liberty due to close encounters of the electric kind. Great horned owls are large enough to make the connection between two wires or one wire and a grounded piece of metal, but the kestrel is somewhat of a mystery. They are usually too small to get involved with equipment carrying enough current to cause burns. The owl, unfortunately, shows signs of deep burning from within as more flesh and tissue dies as the days pass. Hopefully the little falcon has only sustained superficial feather damage and will be released when he re-grows his plumage.
OK, I just HAD to give you another view of the little elf owl from last week. He's actually doing better and is looking more healthy as the time passes.

Jan releases a little male kestrel.
Following a request from a gentleman at the VA Medical Center here in Phoenix, two kestrels (one named "3B") were released in honor of the people on that floor at the VAMC. Both birds did very well upon release and are hopefully doing "falconish" things on their own after their rehab at Liberty. We wish them and all the folks at the VAMC good luck and a long life!

1 comment:

Ranger Pat said...

I love this blog because at the end I always feel uplifted. I agree we need to get back to the real American values that our people and the people of the world have benefited from. All people (and creatures) are our kin and should be treated as we wish to be treated.