Monday, July 27, 2009

Hoots, Howls, and Hollers 07/27/2009

It has been a very busy few weeks. One day a week ago we logged in 60 animals. We aren’t sure if this is all about really hot, windy weather or just a sign of things to come. Another of our brutally hot days, when the temperatures soared to 115, we ended up with among other critters, 6 birds that were found in pools, and the breast stroke wasn’t part of their skill set. It is just a pretty wicked time to be in the desert—especially if sitting in a nest in the intense sun is your fate. Bailing out of a nest might seem like a really good idea….anything to get out of the sun and heat. It’s not hard for me to relate!

All of this is to give you a perfect reason to visit our store in support of the almost 3,000 animals that have come in to our care since January 1st. You won’t be surprised to learn that not a single one of the animals that we have assisted came in with a health insurance policy!

One way to keep the food bins full is to empty the store inventory. That being said then, this is a good time to clean house and put our tee shirt s on sale….at bargain basement prices. We have limited sizes in some of the designs—others are fairly well stocked. (This also makes room for some exciting new designs!)

Here’s the great deal. This will be a half –price sale. So why not buy two or three or more. If you have been wanting to enhance your tee shirt collection, do some early Christmas shopping, or buy a gift for a friend, now’s the time to do it, while the supply lasts.

Visit the Liberty Wildlife Store at and click on Liberty Wildlife “Raptor Wraps”. This is a wonderful way to “wear the colors” and help native wildlife. Join an elite crowd of folks who have supported our mission to “nurture the nature of Arizona”!

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