Monday, April 6, 2009

hoots, Howls, and Hollers 04/06/2009

Here are some quick notes that seem relevant to me now. 

First:  Have you noticed that this is the “yellow” time of year?  As I was out in my neighborhood recently I was taken by how beautiful it was.  Everything was yellow.  The Palo Verde’s were resplendent, the cactus blooms were mostly yellow, the creosote, the brittle bush, the desert marigolds all beamed forth in the brightness of yellow.  It made me wonder and maybe someone out there can tell me….why all of the yellow?  Do the pollinators see yellow better than everything else or is it just the fact that it looks really cool and sets off the occasional ocotillo blossom just dandy!  No matter, it is a time to enjoy.  I am sorry for you allergy folks.

Second:  I was recently at an event where a person was interpreting wildlife for the gathered group.  I was taken by how beautiful the animal was but horrified at how blasé the staff person was at introducing us to the creature.  It made me realize how inspiring our education group is.  In all of my years I have never seen one of our education group be anything but inspiring and passionate about the animal they were working with.  I applaud them for their enthusiasm and for the basic feeling that to them this is a passion not just a job!  In all, the volunteers and staff at Liberty Wildlife represent the zenith in devotion to the mission.  The world should take note.

Third:  Our fundraiser, Wishes for Wildlife is the 18th of this month, and you all should be there.  This will be a fun event which benefits a worthwhile cause.  Our staff and volunteers work in less than glamorous conditions to insure that each of you have the benefits of living in a world enriched by wildlife neighbors.  This is a great time for you to do your part to help them out.  Come out on Saturday, April 18th for terrific ambiance, great auction opportunities, educational animals and a flighted bird of prey show…..this is your opportunity to help.  See you there?

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