Monday, July 5, 2010

Hoots, Howls, and Hollers 07/06/2010

I know. I know. Liberty Wildlife doesn’t do educational programming in the summer…well almost never does programming in the summer. But, sometimes it just has to happen. A couple of weeks ago Max Bessler and Joe Miller loaded up the wildlife ambassadors and headed up north….you see it is cooler for the birds, less stress, and it happened to be a perfect audience. What is a better setting than the out-of- doors and campers in the Apache Sitgraves National Forest? The actual setting was Fool Hollow Lake Recreational Area camp ground at Lakeside. An assembled group of about 150 people gathered to see what other critters they might be sharing their campground with, and they were happily awed by a bald eagle, great horned owl, kestrel, a red tail and a screech owl. The ranger for that area, Shaun, wrote back to say that he drove through the campground after the program, and it was the talk of every campsite. This was a second appearance there for Liberty Wildlife and already there is another invitation for an August program.

The second rare sighting of the Liberty education group in the summer involved no travel, no loading in travel boxes and no hitting the road to cooler climes. It did, however, involve another cool and very appropriate appearance of some native animals. Our educators, Wendy Bozzi, Linda Scott, Craig Fischer, Terry Stevens, Jan Miller, and Joe Miller traveled all of the way out to the street to be a stop and a stationery participant in the traditional neighborhood Fourth of July Parade. It is one of those things that just make my heart sing. I passed the assembling of the parade on my way in and upon arrival was handed the camera to memorialize it (thus the less than stellar photos of the event…not Terry’s fault).

Then the cry rang out, “Here they come!” and down the street came an assemblage of neighbors. The first group was the horses, resplendent with red, white and blue sparkly hooves, or painted like Indian ponies with stars, stripes, and other appropriate décor. They were magnificent. Next to appear were the tricycles, bikes, and wagons all bedecked in red, white, and blue bows, ribbons, and spangly things. Dogs riding in bicycle baskets, walking on leashes, or donning festive head gear greeted us next…everyone behaved and made their families proud! There were, of course, the walkers sprinkled through the crowd in various forms of regalia. What a sight!

We provided wildlife that they might see in their yards, a turkey vulture, a great horned owl, a Harris’ hawk, a one year old bald eagle, a three year old bald eagle, and a twenty two year old bald eagle (well maybe not eagles in their backyards but not far away). What better way to promote pride in the USA than “showing our colors” in the form of native wildlife and in particular, our national symbol. As the kids rounded the corner they began to shout gleefully, “Look Mommy there’s an owl”. (….and Mommy says, “What sound does and owl make?”), or is that a bald eagle? A mini educational lesson ensued in each case. They loved it! And, so did we!!!

Everyone stopped to talk, to tell us stories of animals they have brought in over the years, and to tell us how glad they were that we were around. I understand that the entire picnic conversation at the conclusion of last year’s parade was about the stationery exhibit that was part of the parade. It is so true that everyone raves about us once they have had the chance to engage with our ambassadors.

Summer or not, these were two wonderful occasions to bring out our educators and their ambassadors.

This Week at Liberty 07/05/2010

The intake total for the year now stands at 2148.
A couple of updates of previous TW@L postings this week, plus lots of herons (babies and adults) and more owls, accipiters, and falcons - the parade continues!
The overhead area is now pigeon proof!
As posted last week, the Boy Scouts did a great job of refurbishing the storage area over the freezer room and the mouse house. With new screening, the area is now off-limits to the many pigeons that hang out at Liberty looking for free food!
Little HaHa post-surgery.
The little harris' hawk that came in last week with the broken leg underwent surgery courtesy of Dr. Driggers. After being fitted with an external fixator, he returned to Liberty and is now recovering rapidly, standing on his repaired leg only two days after the operation.
Another baby green heron comes in.
A few minnows make a great meal.
A lacing of new patagial feathers.
A gorgeous BCNH.
Even more beautiful in breeding plumage.
This was the "Week of the heron" as we seemed every other intake was some sort of wading bird. Lots of little green heron babies along with a couple of black-crowned night herons descended on the facility for help. They were all ages and genders, from the tiny and ungainly fuzzy little greens to some BCNH, one in adult breeding feathers. Hopefully we can release them soon as fish are expensive!
Tam prepares to tube feed another hungry orphan.
Along with these larger "babies" the little guys in OC are still under the care of the Orphan Care staff who all do their feeding and care shifts again and again, day after day, until each bird can be safely released.
Another fuzzy fledgling screech owl.
A newbie (left) and his foster sibling (right).
"Who are YOU lookin' at?!?!"
We took in another couple fledgling screech owls recently. They were mostly healthy, but had no parents to finish their training so they are now out with some older birds who cannot be released. You can tell the youngsters with their light blue eyes from the older birds with yellow irises.
The baby barn owl is getting quite big now.
A darker fledgling comes in.
The little barn owl that hatched in our incubator is now out with foster parents, as is another kid who came in with beautiful dusky feathers. It'll be interesting to see these two when they are older to see what their first year plumage looks like.
A fledgling cooper's hawk is examined.
Toba cleans his beak - the "mother instinct"!
A little sharp-shinned fledgling arrives.
We've gotten in several fledgling accipiters lately. Each year we get calls to "remove" birds like cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks as they will patrol bird feeders and pick off unwary song birds. We always explain the relationship between predators and prey, an example of how nature works if left to operate properly. Education is one of our prime missions.

An injured peregrine falcon.
I just had to post this shot of one of the beautiful peregrines that's now at the facility. As long as people have been watching birds, this falcon has been special. One of the oldest gods of ancient Egypt - Horus, the God of Kings - had the head of a peregrine. Horus was the "one on high" whose right eye was the sun and whose left eye was the moon.