Monday, March 29, 2010

Hoots, Howls, and Hollers 03/29/2010

It always gives me great pleasure to share with blog readers some of the great correspondence that we get at Liberty Wildlife from past, present and hopefully future “clients”. The other day I received a note from a photographer, Linda Covey, who included a photo that she had taken of Lady Liberty at an educational event a while back. It was lovely.

A few weeks later I received an e mail from her telling me of an incident her husband and a friend had while playing golf on the west side of the Valley. In a letter to Channel 12, she tells her “feel good story”. Here is what she had to say:

“Man Gives The Shirt Off His Back To Save a Hawk!”
I have sent many weather photos and animal photos to you over the years, but this time it’s about 2 guys golfing who end up becoming heroes to a bird who lay broken and in danger death from a dog nearby.
My husband Larry and his buddy John were playing a round of golf at THE WIGWAM and his friend, John Rutan spotted the injured Harris’ Hawk sitting on the ground on the side of the fairway. They went to investigate and saw a dog nearby threatening the injured hawk. Larry ran the dog off with the cart.
It was apparent that one wing was badly injured so they proceeded to rescue the hawk by placing towels over its head. That didn't work too well because the hawks talons would grab the towels. When they ran out of towels, John took his nice golf shirt off his back and used it to toss over the hawks head. That did the trick!

Meanwhile I called the hotline at LIBERTY WILDLIFE
and Pam answered. She took down all the information the guys relayed to me earlier and she coordinated the volunteer of the day, Gary, to pick up the bird at the Wigwam Pro Shop which he did.

The next day I received emails from both Megan Mosby and Melissa Hughes at Liberty Wildlife that the hawk was in good hands and they would let me know how its progress was coming along. They’re wonderful, caring people and it’s just a “feel-good” story I hope you’ll want to run.
Everyone who was involved in this rescue are heroes to help a hawk in need: the compassionate volunteers, the folks at the Wigwam Golf shop and the original rescue party: John Rutan who is a pilot with SW Airlines and my husband, Larry Covey

I am not sure if the story ever made it to TV, but I think all of the folks involved in the rescue should be commended. The only bad part of the story is that the Harris’ hawk was x-rayed, and the radiographs revealed a pellet in the middle of the elbow joint of the wing causing irreparable damage…permanent grounding…no chance of release. Once again a needlessly sad occurrence caused by a mean spirited act by an uneducated person. It just makes me realize the critical work that our education group has in front of them. We would like to never have to talk about this subject again.

This Week at Liberty 03/29/2010

Intakes as of this afternoon: 278
After the furor of last week's massive cleaning, things have calmed down - a little! But the bell at the intake window is beginning to ring with regularity and baby bird season is upon us, both with passerines and raptors. There are still injuries occurring to adult birds and one notable patient is getting ready to return home...
An orphan baby begs for food.
Bethany feeds a baby for the first time.
Jerusha carefully feeds a baby hummer.
Some babies are smaller than others.
There are a couple of berry baskets containing tiny baby birds now occupied in the OC (Orphan Care) room. We also have a new cadre of OC volunteers who recently were trained in the fine art of feeding and caring for these diminutive creatures of all species - in fact, some are so small they are difficult to identify until they grow a few weeks! From syringe-feeding the tiniest of hummingbirds to using a pen cap for small perching birds, the volunteers all carefully tend the growing flock. (Luckily, newly hatched hummers will actually gape!)
Our first foster child of the year hides behind 'Sedona.'
Momma Hogan is still sitting on "foster eggs."
Fortunately with raptors, we have several sets of the appropriate foster parents to raise orphans. Contrary to what you might see on YouTube, fostering with a different species will rarely be totally successful. Hogan, our master mom, is still patiently sitting on rescued GHO eggs, while our new foster mom, Sedona, is tending an orphan found at a local Country Club.
Lily feeds a flicker.
A little flicker that came in recently is still in rehab. Arriving with unknown injuries, this little bird is being hand fed and cared for by the Med Services crew. His presentation suggests a collision, possibly with a window, which is an all too common accident in a world that mixes humans and avians in close proximity.
A young sharp-shinned hawk is examined.
Katrina and Michelle check for sensitivity and response.
Another bird that has a bad track record when it comes to close encounters with glass is this little sharp-shinned hawk. Rescued in the south-east valley late on Saturday night, she arrived presenting indications of both back and wing trauma. A wing wrap and some medicine were administered and now cage rest is in order.
Another injured canada goose arrives.
Jan probes the wounded leg.
Toba and Alex assist Jan as she wraps the leg.
Yet another canada goose came in with a badly injured leg. A lot of these large birds have settled in the valley as they find the local weather conditions hospitable for a lot of the year. They are often the targets, both intentionally and by accident, of human activity. Unlike mallards, their lighter relatives, they can't live with one leg so treating this bird successfully will save it's life.
No.33 gets some sun.
Her wings span the enclosure.
But she's feeling much better!
Our condor will be heading north soon.
No.33, the california condor that has been under treatment for lead poisoning at Liberty for several weeks now, is nearly well enough to go back to the Grand Canyon soon. Her crop is once again working and she will be transported up to the Vermillion Cliffs area and placed in a hack box for controlled release, probably next week. Since she has successfully raised her own wild chicks over the past dozen years or so, it's important to get her back into the gene pool as fast as possible.

No eggs or tea parties for THIS white rabbit! (Photo by Dr. Kathy Orr)
A lighter-than-normal wild cotton-tail rabbit has been living out front of Liberty for a long time. Being almost white, the fact that she has evaded the large family of harris' hawks that live next door so long is surprising, but survive she has. She is certainly a harbinger of Easter and Springtime in the Valley! (Anyone seen Alice or the Mad Hatter...?)
As a reminder, we'd ask everyone to go to and then select the Be More Awards 2010 under the Community/Families tab. There you can vote for Liberty Wildlife as your favorite organization!